COVID-19 and Return to Work Requirements
December 2020
Document Requirements for Employees Returning to Work Sites after COVID-19 Illness or E
December 2020
Document Requirements for Employees Returning to Work Sites after COVID-19 Illness or E
December 2020
Do your holiday shopping this year with SFO! Tenants throughout the Airport offer discounts for badged employees, and several are offering special holiday discounts! See below for special offers for employees and check back often for updates on new discounts.
December 2020
The SFO Medical Clinic will be observing the following holiday hours: Thursday, December 24, 2020 – OPEN 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 25, 2020 – CLOSED Saturday, December 26, 2020 - CLOSED
December 2020
The 2021 Employee Calendars have arrived! This year’s theme is Onward & Upward, offering a visual, behind-the-scenes look at the many ways that Airport Commission employees stepped up to meet the challenges of the year that was 2020. Thank you to all who participated in the production of the calendar, and to all of our employees who continue to make #SFOStrong! Calendars have been distributed by location. Please reach out to the following contacts to receive your calendar:
December 2020
We invite you to the SFO Blood Drive hosted by People, Performance & Development.